Red Grouper

Epinephelus morio*
Description:color brownish red; lining of mouth scarlet-orange; blotches on sides in unorganized pattern; second spine of dorsal fin longer than others; pectoral fins longer than pelvic fins; squared off tail; margin of soft dorsal black with white at midfin; black dots around the eyes.*
Fishing Areas:
Mostly offshore rocks, ledges and cracks out to 220ft. Red grouper tend to like scattered rocks and Swiss cheese type bottom, as opposed to larger structures that Gag grouper inhabit. But reds are sometimes caught in the same area.
Live baits such as whitebait, pin fish works well. Cut bait or whole dead baits also work very well. There is a verity of large and ex-large deep diving lures used for trolling. Typically blind trolling is used to find the fish and works well in the spring and fall. Also trolling on or near know locations often produce fish.
Rod: A shorter heavy class rod.
Reel: A conventional reel with a heavy drag system (Spin gear used for inshore only)
Line: 40# and up mono or 50#+ braid.
Leader: A 60-100# mono or fluorocarbon leader (when the water is clear and the bite is slow).
Hooks: Circle hooks are required for all reef fishing, 5/0 - 10/0 depending on bait size.
Overall grouper is one of the most sought out fish and one of the easiest to catch, however finding them is the hard part. Grouper fishing has become a very expensive venture. Since the travel distance is usually 40+ miles round trip, gas prices have made grouper fishing less appealing for the average fisherman.
If you have an area where there are lots of small rocks covering several hundred yards, drifting works well to cover more area. Over the last few years, strict restrictions has made a difference and the red grouper populations do appear to be on the rise.
Always check the fishing regulations as they have changed several times in the last few years.
Red Grouper Pictures:
If you have a picture(s) of red grouper we would love to post it here, please send a request through the contact form for instructions.
* Identification Information From: myFWC
Labels: Grouper Fishing, Grouper ID, Red Grouper
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