
Scomberomorous cavalla
AKA Kingfish, King Mackerel.
Description: color of back iridescent bluish green; sides silvery, streamlined body with tapered head; no black pigment on front of dorsal fin; lateral line starts high and drops sharply below the second dorsal fin; young fish often have yellow spots like those of the Spanish mackerel.
Fishing Areas:
Offshore in 30 - 60 feet of water, in the spring and fall. Kingfish are migratory fish that pass through our area in the spring heading north and in the fall heading south. On rare occasions they are caught in inshore waters.
Live frisky baits, bluerunners, whitebait, ballyhoo and sardines. Also trolled dead baits and lures also do very well.
Heavy spinning on med-heavy conventional gear is needed. Kingfish are famous for the initial long run, so a very good drag system is needed. They also have very sharp teeth so wire is a must.
Kingfish Pictures:
If you have a picture(s) of kingfish we would love to post it here, please send a request through the contact form for instructions.

Scomberomorous maculatus
Fishing Areas:
Inshore out to 25 feet of water, in the spring through fall. Spanish mackerel are also migratory fish that show up in the spring and leave in the late fall. In the fall there are very big school that can be chummed to the boat. They are strong fighters and the action can last several hours.
Live frisky baits, whitebait, small ballyhoo and sardines. As for lures, anything that moves fast. Some old timers give me a tip for a great lure that you can make yourself. You start off by going to McDonald's and ordering a soft drink (or ask them for a straw). What you will need is the McDonald straw, a clear casting bubbles, a small piece of 28# wire, 20# leader and a small treble hook. Cut off about 3 ft of mono leader and tie a 30# swivel to one end. Next slide the casting bubble on to the leader with the big end towards the swivel. Now tie another 30# swivel to the other end of the leader. Next using a wire twist, add the treble hook to about 12 inches of wire. Now cut the straw about 4 inches and slide the straw on to the leader over the second swivel you tied. Now add the wire to that swivel and make it just slightly longer than the straw. The straw will slide down to the treble hook and you are ready to go. When you use it, 1/2 fill the casting bubble with water so you can really get a lot of distance. Cast it as far as you can and reel very fast. I really don't know how someone could have come up with this, but it works great for Spanish mackerel.
Light high speed spinning gear. Make sure to use 28# wire for leader, or bring lots of hooks.
Spanish Mackerel Pictures:
If you have a picture(s) of kingfish we would love to post it here, please send a request through the contact form for instructions.
* Identification Information From: myFWC
Labels: King Fish, King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel
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